Research Investigators

Faculty members at Missouri S&T who have research interests in biomedical research are welcome and encouraged to participate in the CBR as Research Investigators.   Please email Debrina Weber 
Dr. Yue-Wern Huang

CBR Center Director, Professor, Biological Sciences & Chair, Associate Dean Reasearch & External Relations

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Dr. Parveen Bazard

Assistant Professor Chemical and Biochemical Eng. Department

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Dr. Richard K. Brow

Curators' Distinguished Professor of Ceramic Engineering

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Dr. Amy Belfi

Assistant Professor, Psychological Science

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Dr. Casey Canfield

Assistant Professor, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

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Dr. Carlos H. Castano

Associate Professor, Mining and Nuclear Engineering

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Dr. Amitava Choudhury

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. Anthony Convertine

Roberta and G. Robert Couch Assistant Professor, Materials Science & Engr

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Dr. Steven Corns

Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Engineering Management and Systems Engineering

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Dr. Delbert E. Day

Curators’ Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering

Dr. Xiaosong Du

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. David Duvernell

Professor and Chair, Biological Sciences

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Dr. Nuran Ercal

Chancellor's Professor, Biochemistry

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Dr. Mina Esmaeelpour

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Dr. Michael Eze

Assistant Professor of Bioanalytical & Environmental Chemistry

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Dr. Fateme (Sha) Fayyazbakhsh

Assistant Research Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Daoru Han

Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Amber M. Henslee

Associate Professor, Psychological Science

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Dr. Jie Huang

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Dr. Abdulmohsin Imqam

Assistant Professor, Petroleum Engineering Geosciences, Geological and Petroleum Engineering Dept SPE Chapter Advisor

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Dr. Catherine Johnson

Associate Professor, Mining and Explosives Engineering

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Dr. Chang-Soo Kim

Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Dr. Clair Reynolds Kueny

Associate Professor, Psychological Science

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Dr. Bo Mi Lee

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Nathan D. Leigh

Director of the Shared Instrument Lab, Chemistry

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Dr. Ming C. Leu

Bailey Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Shelley Minteer

Director of the Kummer Institute Center for Resource Sustainability, Professor of Chemistry

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Vadym Mochalin

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. Venkata Sriram Siddhardh Nadendla

Assistant Professor, Computer Science

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Dr. Manashi Nath

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. Paul Nam

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. Gayla Olbricht

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

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Dr. Robert Paige

Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

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Dr. Jonghyun Park

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Seung-Jong (Jay) Park

KUMMER Endowed Department Chair, Computer Science

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Dr. Amber Pete

Assistant Professor, Doshi Dept of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

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Dr. V.A. Samaranayake

Curators' Teaching Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics; Associate Director of the Center for Statistical and Computational Modeling of Biological Complexity

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Dr. Andrea Scharf

Assistant Professor, Biological Science

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Dr. Julie Semon

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

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Dr. Katie Shannon

Teaching Professor and Director, Laboratory of Cytokinesis

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Dr. Honglan Shi

Research Professor Emerita, Chemistry

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Dr. Pablo Sobrado

Vitek/FBC Endowed Chair in Biochemistry, Chemistry

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Dr. Yun Seong Song

Assistant Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. James Sterling

Vice Provost and Founding Dean of Kummer College of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Development Professor, Business and Information Technology

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Dr. Matthew Thimgan

Associate Professor, Biological Sciences

Dr. Mark Towler

LINDA and BIPIN DOSHI PROFESSOR, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

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Dr. Risheng Wang

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. David Westenberg

Professor, Biological Sciences

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Dr. Philip D. Whitefield

Professor of Chemistry and Director, Center for Energy & Environment Research

Dr. Jeffrey Winiarz

Associate Professor, Chemistry

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Dr. Hu Yang

LINDA and BIPIN DOSHI DEPT CHAIR, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering

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Dr. Huiyuan Yang

Assistant Professor Computer Science

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Dr. Xiaodong Yang

Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

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Adjunct Members

Dr. William Van Stoecker, MD

President & CEO, Stoecker & Associates and SpiderTek. , Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Missouri

Dr. Casey Burton

Director of Medical Research, Phelps County Regional Medical Center

Sonny Bal, MD, JD, MBA

Adjunct Professor, Materials Science and Engineering


Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, and Chief, Hip and Knee Division, University of Missouri, Columbia

Steve Jung, PhD

Chief Technology Officer, MO-SCI Corporation

Dr. Xiaoliang Cheng

Research fellow, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab


Debrina Weber

Administrative Assistant IV

Anna Chernatynskaya

Research Lab Supervisor

Katie Tooley

Vivarium Senior Research Lab Technician